lauantai 17. helmikuuta 2024


Song lyrics part 10. I went through some old lyrics that i have in my closet, and i found this one among many others but i kinda like this one. It had only two verses, i finalized it and added the chorus. I think it's one of my best lyrics, i love it. The god of dreams is of course the old Greek god Morpheus. Johnny Cash/Springsteen territory again. Most of these lyrics are like twenty years old, the zeitgeist has changed, now they sound vintage. I have not written much anything in decades, this is my swan song propably, who knows.


                                           D e v i l ' s  H a r v e s t



The god of dreams will help you through the night

No need for confessions or artificial light

Wide open angels no peace no rest

The seeds are sown for the devil's harvest


The devil's harvest, out on the street

Lightnings like veins when crows gather to eat

The devil's harvest


Last night thunder and rain had a fight

The skies are heavy, but conscience is light

World falling apart screws up my rest

When i gaze through the blinds the devil's harvest

The devil's harvest, out on the street

Lightnings like veins when crows gather to eat

The devil's harvest






Song lyrics part 9. This lyric is just dadaist nonsense. I am just having fun. At the same time it kinda makes sense, has a certain point. Uncomposed, unrecorded.

                                               World Hugging Man


A station wagon farmer at Wild Horse saloon

Driving through America to get there soon

World hugging man discovered at last

Overcoming a gravity, head spinning fast


World hugging man


Big faith bang blast angels have a past

Throwing arms around on a runway forty-nine

Light talk shows spectacular sights

The globe is shrinking, cancel flights


World hugging man


Satellite lullabies, two a:m red light

Lonesome figurehead superstar at night

Diagnose yourself well and divided

World hugging man name undecided


World hugging man

tiistai 13. helmikuuta 2024


Song lyrics part 8. This one is one of those haunting and mysterious again. I like the title. Nowdays talking about God is very old-fashioned, but for me it's a metaphor, cultural expression. It's not about anybody's private beliefs, it's just a one way to paint the lyrical canvas, it's a country thing. I wrote this in around 2004, it is fully written composed song.


                                       T h u n d e r w a l k i n g


I hate to see sun shining, and i don't like rain

I am waiting a lighting, that knows my pain

I hear a wind coming, but i will not pray

No i will not pray



Hear Gods talking



I hike through barricades, moved by invisible hands

To the city of darkness, there plays a band

I shake their hands and i enjoy with the crowd

And i enjoy with the crowd



Hear Gods talking



I climb on the hill, that never was a mountain

Electricity is cracking, looking for a grounding

I hear a wind blowing, like a just another loner in this town

Like a just another loner in this town



Hear Gods talking


Dar, if you want to record this, just ask me. 




maanantai 12. helmikuuta 2024


Song lyrics part 7. This is emotionally heavy lyric. It's talking about the guilt of a parent after the divorce. Parent wants to, tries to fix the damage somehow for his kids. Johnny Cash territory. This is the type of lyric that you just don't know if it's good or complete crap, some lines are bit too simple and clumsy when i read it now, but the main idea is sound i think. I wrote this around 2002. This would work best if sung by a woman like Dar Williams, Mary-Chapin Carpenter or something of a that style.

                                         M o t o r c y c l e s


Jack and Jill decided it was that day

The priest crossed his fingers on a holy pray

Everything seemed fine, and the child was born

To see all the fightning, he started to grow up wrong


Motorcycles, motorcycles, motorcycles

Daddy's gonna buy him, a motorcycle


Jack got drinking, and Jill got a new man

In the courtroom, united they stand

Until the judge, made his orders with a grin

He said in the good old days, they used to call all this a sin


Motorcycles, motorcycles, motorcycles

Daddy's gonna buy him a motorcycle


Now Jack lives up the road nearby

With guilt bigger that catches any eye

His son is now a man, and sees all it through

Desperation of a man, not knowing what to do


Motorcycles, motorcycles, motorcycles

Daddy's gonna buy him, a motorcycle

sunnuntai 11. helmikuuta 2024


Song lyrics part 6. I think i will write a dozen of these or so, maybe few more. This one was never played that much, but i kinda like this as a lyric. Again, there's that haunting feeling of mystery, mixed with little humour, that is typical for many of my lyrics. Something is somewhere, very close, but can not be seen. There's only a story about it, somebody else saw it. I don't know where i get it. This one was written in 2003 i think.


                                     Stranger On The Highway


There was stranger on the highway, fifty miles off track

Coming back from home, never looking back

There was stranger on the highway, grinning to the lights

Walking little loose, disappearing of sights


There was stranger on the highway, and vehicles down the road

Sometimes people swear they saw, a man in a long black coat

There was stranger on the highway, looking like a clown

That walked over and fell, off the edge of town


There was stranger on the highway, told the host in the news

Reporters from CNN, went discovering the blues

There was stranger on the highway, and people looking around

Somebody said that's all, there's only a legend to be found


Like e stranger on the highway 



lauantai 10. helmikuuta 2024


Song lyrics part 5. I wrote this one around 2004. I think it's one of my best lyrics, on top five. It is pretty clear i think, telling about the changing world and changing times. Country singer starts to play the blues as a response. This one has been demoed many times, but never properly recorded. One demo was sung by a very good female singer, but i won't release it because i promised not to. 

                                         Country Singer's Blues


There ain't no more highways

Where you can let that engine run

There ain't no more cowboys

Who can handle the gun

There ain't no more lightnings

Not grounded by a man

There ain't no more broken hearts

Rain beaten smiling fans


You may think this ain't no news

You may have got nothing to lose

But you'll never understand

The country singer's blues


There ain't no little towns

Alone on the prairie

There ain't no more wedding gowns

Or man on his knees 

There ain't no more gods

And devils are news

There ain't no more spare parts

For the Baton Rouge


You may think this ain't no news

You may have got nothing to lose

But you'll never understand

The country singer's blues

perjantai 9. helmikuuta 2024


Song lyrics part 4. I love the mood of this lyric. This could be a country song or a metal song, unrecorded. It is about losing your faith, divorce, and about many things. Storms outside are a metaphor for the inner feelings of this guy, storms are real, they are true. Chasing them, understanding them is a crazy hobby. 

                                               S t o r m c h a s e r


Cloudlights on horizon, gotta go dream up fast

Flat out beams on, radio silence outcast

Never seen a green man, no Jesus in sight

Telescopes and cameras, waiting in the night


I put my kids to bed, and kiss my beautiful wife

Watch the news reports, about destroyed lives

It's coming this way now, named like a human child

It has a birth and doom, and soul juvenile


Morning news i gaze, thundercracks in my ears

Lab my density photos, drive kids to the school

Everything now gone, sun setting daylight

Tiretracks on the fields, shaking hands, rainbite



keskiviikko 7. helmikuuta 2024


Song lyrics part 3. This one tells a story about the loneliness in a small town. A small town, that has a jail on the edge of town. Small town starts to feel like that jail. It's hard to get out. I got the inspiration for this lyric when standing at the trainstation of Jokela. This one was recorded back in 2005. I am not a singer, just a songwriter, but here's the link for the recorded version:

                                                J a i l t o w n


Thirty miles up north, through the plains of pines

Long away from this city, on another state of time

Trains will stop there, you are the only one to leave

People stare at you hard and cold, with the eyes of grief


In the silence of jailtown


It's a big concrete block, full of lights at night

No one sees there in, and no one stays at sight

Everybody here will say, that it's righteous and fine

Everybody here, looks like they are doing the time


In the silence of jailtown




tiistai 6. helmikuuta 2024


Song lyrics part 2. This is very dylanesque, a kind of psychological protest song. A folk thing. This describes the situation, when people are patronizing and motherly/fatherly towards you. When people talk to you like you were a child. People with babyface can experience this often. If you don't have this kind of experience ever in life, if you can not relate, then this lyric propably just sounds utterly mad for you. It is a crazy lyric, but i am kind of proud of it. Basically it is just a joke. Uncomposed.

                                            Everybody Seems To Know Me


Everybody seems to know me, like some old friend

When i just can't remember, they tell me i pretend

Everybody seems to know me, waiting me to shut up

Sometimes i feel quilty, if i dare to interrupt


Everybody seems to know me, like i have no secrets

I am like someone else, with all these regrets

Everybody seems to know me, so well that i am afraid

That when i introduce myself, i may cause some hate


Everybody seems to know me, it's good to have friends

That are complete strangers, i am sorry if this offends

Everybody seems to know me, if my jacket needs repair

It's hard to bohemian, with some dollars to spare


Everybody seems to know me, that i would not hurt a fly

They already give that look, if i am gonna try

Everybody seems to know me, my kindness as a stranger

They take it for granted, like my honour's in danger


Everybody seems to know me, i don't need any therapy

I am so completely analyzed, that i am news scientificly

Everybody seems to know me, it feels like conspiracy

To have so many shrinks, and still a thing to worry


Everybody seems to know me, like a smoker without a dime

Have some mercy for yourself, you look like committing a crime

Everybody seems to know me, from the inside out

Then they read this and ask, what the hell this is about?